Ever wanted even MORE commands for your admins? Well, here you go! 8 new commands, and ADDING with your comment help!
This is the EASIEST setup plugin that actually works, and well. With a custom join message, a improved ban system, anticurse, and more all in one!
- You can use at.* to get all commands!*
- For /911 and the anticurse to work, you must give your admins at.recieve to get the messages!* Commands: BROADCAST: /at bc <message> Description: Send A broadcast message to everyone! Permission: at.bc
GAMEMODE: /at gm <c/s/a/sp> Description: Change your gamemode! Permission: at.gm
BETTER BAN: /at ban <player> <reason> CONFIG COMMAND: /at config <joinmsg/leavemsg> <what you want> Description: Edit the plugin config.yml! Permission: at.config
FREEZE A PLAYER: /at freeze <player> Description: Freeze a player! Permission: at.freeze
SPECTATE A PLAYER: /at spec <player> Description: Spectate a player that you think is hacking! Permission: at.spec
HEAL: /at heal <player/all> Description: Heal you, someone else, or everyone! Permission: at.heal
WARN: /at warn <player> <add> Description: Warn a player! Permission: at.warn
RESEARCH: /at research <player> Description: Get more information about a player including UUID, IP and more! Permission: at.research
911: /911 <visible/hidden> <reason> Description: Sends a message to all online staff that have the permission: at.recieve Permission: None! Everyone can use it
(NEW) /report <user> <reason> Description: Reports a player to all staff Permission: at.report
(NEW) /at invcheck <player> Description: See a players inventory! Permission: at.invcheck
(NEW) /at blacklist <add/remove> <word> Description: Add/remove a word to blacklist! Permission: at.blacklist
(NEW) /at blacklisted Description: Shows all blacklisted words! Permission: at.blacklisted
(NEW) /at gui Description: Opens a gui with commands! Permission: at.gui
PERMISSION RANKS: at.* = ALL PERMISSIONS (Admin Use) at.mod = Moderator use
at.mod allows: Broadcast: false gamemode: true ban: false config editing: false freeze: true spec: true heal: false warn: true research: true emergency: true at.recieve: true at.report: true at.invcheck: true at.blacklist: false at.blacklisted: true at.gui: true
at.player allows: at.bc: false at.gm: false at.ban: false at.config: false at.freeze: false at.spec: false at.heal: false at.warn: false at.research: false at.emergency: true at.recieve: false at.report: true at.invcheck: false at.blacklist: false at.blacklisted: true at.gui: false
SOON TO COME (WHAT IT IS) (VERSION): Nothing Yet! Leave your ideas in the discussion!
Known Bugs: None!
This plugin is also community driven, so if you want something added, put it in the comments down below and say what you want added.
Want to be a PART of creating the plugin? Go to www.youtube.com/TheRealmOfTheGeek subscribe, then turn on notifications to get notified as soon as I go LIVE WHILE PROGRAMMING this amazing plugin!
If you want, I would love to check out any server that is using this plugin, so go ahead and post your IP in the discussion, also if can, add some feedback!
- Not tested on a large server.