Advanced Join Messages
It is recommended to use PlaceholderAPI with this plugin.
1.16+ requires Spigot or PaperSpigot to work.
Make the first things players see when you join look better, and do more.
This plugin adds clickable and hover-able elements to the join/leave message. (All customizable in the config.yml)
This plugin works for every version of MC 1.8+ and should work for 1.7 although I have not tested it yet.
You can create different elements within the Join/Leave message, for example you can make the players rank have different commands on click and hover info, than their name, or any other aspect you want to add!
As of now, placeholders do not work for the hover text that is show. Use %player_name% to at least get the players name. Other than that PlaceholderAPI placeholders will work in any element defined in the 'Join.Text' or 'Leave.Text' path in the config.
Default Configuration:
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 'ids' # # 1. These are defined per line, and then by text in between '<' & '>' # # 2. These must start at 0, Here is an example showing if it was in the main # # Text for a message - # # Text: # # - "<id: '0.0'><id: '0.1'><id: '0.2'>" # # - "<id: '1.0'><id: '1.1'><id: '1.2'>" # # - "<id: '2.0'><id: '2.1'><id: '2.2'>" # # etc. # # 3. You can use any color codes and these will allow placeholders # # 4. Space between two ids is ignored, for example "<%player%><has joined!>" # # would look like "PlayerNamehas joined". To add spaces include them within # # the '<>' tags. # # # # 'Remove-Default-Message': whether or not to display the default join message # # This only matters if you disable Join/Leave message # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # General: Reload-Permission: "ajm.reload" Permission-Message: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." Reloaded-Message: "&aYou have successfully reloaded &7AdvancedJoinMessages&a!" Remove-Default-Message: true Messages: Join: Enabled: true Text: - '< &7[&a+&7] %luckperms_prefix%><&8%player_name%>< &7joined the server!>' - '< &c&lAdd more lines!>< &7Click me for help!>' ids: '0': '0': Hover: Enabled: true Text: "&7Click here to say &e'Hey'&7 to &e%player_name%&7!" Click: Enabled: true Type: "RUN_COMMAND" Data: "/tell %player_name% Hey" '1': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click here to open a &eURL&7!' Click: Enabled: true Type: "OPEN_URL" Data: "" '2': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click here to suggest &esomething&7...' Click: Enabled: true Type: "SUGGEST_COMMAND" Data: "/kill" '1': '0': Hover: Enabled: false Text: "" Click: Enabled: false Type: "" Data: "" '1': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click me for help on configuration!' Click: Enabled: true Type: "OPEN_URL" Data: "" Leave: Enabled: true Text: - '< &7[&c-&7] %luckperms_prefix%><&8%player_name%>< &7left the server!>' - '< &c&lAdd more lines!>< &7Click me for help!>' ids: '0': '0': Hover: Enabled: true Text: "&7Click here to say &e'Bye'&7 to &e%player_name%&7!" Click: Enabled: true Type: "RUN_COMMAND" Data: "/tell %player_name% Hey" '1': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click here to open a &eURL&7!' Click: Enabled: true Type: "OPEN_URL" Data: "" '2': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click here to suggest &esomething&7...' Click: Enabled: true Type: "SUGGEST_COMMAND" Data: "/kill" '1': '0': Hover: Enabled: false Text: "" Click: Enabled: false Type: "" Data: "" '1': Hover: Enabled: true Text: '&7Click me for help on configuration!' Click: Enabled: true Type: "OPEN_URL" Data: ""