Ever wanted to make your own Server/World/Minigame Selector? Well with this plugin you can!
It is really easy!
- Give Selectors to players on various ways.
- Make easy world transportation Selectors / Inventories.
- Have as many Selectors and Inventories as you want!
- Change the names / lores / enchantments of an item in an inventory / a selector
- Make sure your server is running the version that fits with the version you are about to download.
- Download the AdvancedSelector.jar and place it in your plugin folder.
- Load it by restarting your server. (Or load it via other pluginloaders)
- Done! You can now make changes in the configuration.
- Use '/as reload' or restart your server to apply the changes.
Bugs / Suggestions
If you find any bugs or if you have a suggestion, leave a message in the comments.
A Selector (Which will respond when you interact with it):
You can create multiple selectors with different uses.
An Inventory (Which will open when you interact with a Selector)
You can add items in this inventory. When you click on those items a command will be executed or another inventory will open.