[ Advanced Set Spawn ]
Teleport one or more players to the spawn point easily and quickly.
[★] Features:
- Spawn onJoin (true/false)
- Spawn onDeath (true/false)
- Enable Command SetFirstSpawn (true/false)
- Enable Command SetSpawn (true/false)
- Disable Cooldown Has Permission (true/false)
- Disable onMoveEvent (true/false)
- Customizable Prefix
- Customizable Messages
- PlaySound on Teleport to the Spawn Point.
- Teleport all players to the Spawn Point
- Teleport players to the Spawn Point on falling in to the void [v2.1]
- Teleport players to the Spawn Point on falling in to the void [v2.1]
- Check if player has changed its location (true/false) [v2.4]
[⌨] Commands:
- /setspawn
- /spawn
- /aspawn
- /aspawn reload
- /aspawn tp <player>
- /aspawn tpall
- /aspawn setspawn
- /aspawn setfirstspawn
- /aspawn spawn
- /aspawn firstspawn
You can also use /advancedsetspawn & /asetspawn instead /aspawn
[♚] Permissions:
aspawn.* description: Admin commands for ASetSpawn default: op aspawn.nocooldown description: Bypass the cooldown on teleportation request aspawn.help description: Access to aspawn main command list aspawn.firstspawn description: Permission to go to the first spawn aspawn.spawn description: Permission to go to the spawn aspawn.setspawn description: Set the spawn point aspawn.setfirstspawn description: Set the first spawn point aspawn.reload description: Reload all the plugin configurations aspawn.tp description: Teleport a player to the spawn aspawn.tpall description: Access to tpall command aspawn.notpall description: Bypass to prevent teleport you to the spawn on tpall
[✎] Config. & Messages (v2.4):
# -------------------------[ AdvancedSetSpawn v2.4]- by iLiroSQ # Conditions: # bypass-cooldown-ops (true/false) removes the cooldown on spawn request by permission. # check-location (true/false) before teleporting check if player has teleported # TIP > This will work as an alternative of onMoveEvent & it also check if player # has been teleported (at least 1 Block) from its original position. # cooldown (In seconds) how much the player will wait until he teleported to spawn. # period-nofalldamage (In seconds) starts when a player was recently teleported. # prevent-falldamage (true/false) it will only prevent for the first fall damage you get # after teleported to the spawn point. # prevent-tpall-ops (true/false) # spawn-onDeath (true/false) # spawn-onJoin (true/false) # spawn-onVoid (true/false) # Toggle: # aspawn-permission (true/false) toggles the access to the /aspawn command. # disable-onMoveEvent (true/false) # TIP > If you don't want this event, cause lag or its unnecessary so set it to true. # If you disabled this (true) your players will be able to move on teleport request. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions: bypass-cooldown-ops: true check-location: true cooldown: 3 period-nofalldamage: 2 prevent-falldamage: true prevent-tpall-ops: false spawn-onDeath: true spawn-onJoin: true spawn-onVoid: true Toggle: aspawn-permission: true spawn-permission: false disable-onMoveEvent: false enable-setfirstspawn-command: true enable-setspawn-command: true Sound: enabled: true music: "LEVEL_UP" volume: 5 pitch: 0
prefix: '&5[&6&lA&e&lSpawn&5] ' config-reloaded: '&2&l&k!&a Plugin reloaded. &2&l&k!&7' spawn-teleporting: '&6Teleporting...' spawn-tpall: '&aYou successfully teleported all the players online to the &eSpawn Point&a!' spawn-notfound: '&cThere is no &eSpawn &c&nPoint&c.' spawn-cooldown: '&6Teleportation will start in &a%cooldown%s&6, don''t move!' tp-usage: '&7Usage: &c/aspawn tp <player>' tp-success: '&aYou successfully teleported &e%target% &ato the &eSpawn Point&a!' player-notfound: '&e%target% &cis not found!' cancel-teleporting: '&cTeleportation was canceled! &7&o(You moved)' setspawn-success: '&aYou successfully set the &eSpawn Point &7(&a&l&nHere&7)' setfirstspawn-success: '&aYou successfully set the &6First&e Spawn Point &7(&a&l&nHere&7)' action-noconsole: '&cThis action is not allowed in the &lConsole' command-disabled: '&cThis command has been &nDisabled' world-not-loaded: '&cYour World Location is not loaded, please wait and try again!' no-permission: '&cInsufficient permission.' command-list: - '&8&m-------------------------------------------------' - ' &6&lAdvanced&b&lSet&e&lSpawn &7- &aCommands&7:' - ' &c/aspawn &7- &rShow this list of commands.' - ' &c/aspawn reload &7- &rReload the plugin.' - ' &c/aspawn tp <player> &7- &rSend a player to the spawn.' - ' &c/aspawn tpall &7- &rSend all players to the spawn.' - ' &c/aspawn setspawn &7- &rSet the Spawn Location.' - ' &c/aspawn setfirstspawn &7- &rSet the First Spawn Location.' - ' &c/aspawn firstspawn &7- &rGo to the First Spawn Point.' - ' &c/spawn &7- &rGo to the Spawn Point.' - '' - ' &7(&c&l!&7) &rYou can use &dsetspawn &r& &dsetfirstspawn &ras single' - ' &rcommand and you can also use &dspawn &ras sub-command of &c/aspawn&r, &c/advancedsetspawn&r, &c/asetspawn' - '&8&m-------------------------------------------------'
[♫] Sound List:
[❖] To do:
- Send tittle on Spawn Request.
- Native Particle Implementation.
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Report any issues that you have in the comments section!