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Known Bugs
Animals/Players can cancel your AFK status by pushing you.
Write /afk and server will broadcast "player_name is now AFK" message. If you move, type this command again, or type something into chat, server broadcasts opposite message "player_name is no longer AFK". If player is AFK, his name is gray in a player list.
Have outher plugin with /afk command?
then use /afk:afk
If you want to use Afk Time you must add {TIME} key.
ForEx: noAfk: '{DISPLAYNAME} is back after {TIME}!'
# Events: def. true # Colors: def. gray [black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white] # IdleTimer: def. true, 60 sec # Messages: def. true (keys: {DISPLAYNAME}, {TIME}) Events: move: true chat: true Colors: message: gray player: gray IdleTimer: enabled: true period: 60 Messages: enabled: true nicknames: false +afk: "{DISPLAYNAME} is now AFK" -afk: "{DISPLAYNAME} is no longer AFK"
Java 7 | V4.5 | 100 % | done |
Minecraft 1.10 | V4.5.1 | 100 % | done |
Minecraft 1.9 | V4.5 | 100 % | done |
Reason option | V4.5.1 | 100 % | done |
Permissions | 0 % | allmost | |
AFK commands support | 2 % | allmost | |
Reload command | 0 % | none | |
Idle Timer v2 | v4.0.0 | 100 % | done |
AFK Time | v2.1.0 | 100 % | done |
Java 6 | v2.0.2b | 100 % | done |
Idle Timer | v2.0.0 | 100 % | done |
Config | v1.3.0 | 100 % | done |
source code V4.3 & higher | source code V4.2.1 & lower.
Quote:Now that you got an /afk command, would you like an antiswearing plugin? try BSwear