AFK Safe Zone - Now for 1.7.X!
This plugin is simple enough. A Moderator sets up an AFK spawn point, and when people type in /afk they are teleported to that point. You can choose whether or not the players will be able move once they go AFK and many other things in the config file. The only permission this uses is for the /setafkspawn and you must have the permission node "afk.setafkspawn". The commands are below. The plugin is pretty self explanatory.
Tutorial Videos
- After a set amount of time, or after the player types /afk, the player will be teleported to a designated location, or if no spot is set, the world's spawn
- Fully compatible with Essentials' afk feature
- Ability to restrict movement while afk (they must type /afk again to return from being afk)
- Ability to disable a player from taking damage while afk
- Ability to restrict a player from dealing damage while afk
- Ability to disable a player from building while afk
- Configurable cool-down period to restrict the use of going afk with a command
- /setafkspawn This is used to set the location of where to go when typing /afk. Requires permissions "afk.setafkspawn"
- /afk Toggles AFK on or off for the player who uses it. Requires permission "afk.allow"
- /afk list This is used to show who all is AFK at the moment
AFK: #allow players to take damage while afk allow-take-damage: false #allow players to deal damage while afk allow-deal-damage: false #allow players to place or remove blocks while afk allow-build: false #amount of time in seconds between being able to use /afk to go afk cooldown-time: 60 #DO NOT USE THESE SETTINGS IF YOU USE ESSENTIALS, USE THE ESSENTIALS config.yml INSTEAD only-use-these-settings-if-you-dont-have-Essentials: auto-afk: 180 allow-movement: false #Don't alter anything below this line #It is here to save the previous location of AFK people Player-returns: