AFK Zone is a plugin that allows you to reward your players for being AFK!
Just simply create a WorldGuard Region and configure the config!
# If the plugin is enabled enabled: true # The name of afk worldguard region (cAsE sEnSiTiVe) region: "afk" timer: # The amount of time the player needs to be AFK for until they are rewarded time: 600 # If the action bar timer is enabled actionBarEnabled: true # The action bar timer format | {MINUTES} = amount of minutes left | {SECONDS} = amount of seconds left actionBar: "&fReward in &c{MINUTES}&f:&c{SECONDS}" reward: # The commands that are executed when the timer is done | {PLAYER} = the player that will recieve the reward commands: - "excellentcrates key give {PLAYER} afk 1" # If the chat reward notification is enabled chatNotificationEnabled: true # The chat notification format chatNotification: "&aYou have recieved &61 &bAFK Crate Key&a!" # If the sound reward notification is enabled soundNotificationEnabled: true # The sound that is played when the player is rewarded | Sound List: soundNotification: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP