AllInOne is a very simple plugin for new server owners who don't want to install tons of plugins for their server, but still want the important features. Just download AllInOne and you have all the vital commands you need in one plugin. If you want something added, just write a request to [email protected] or create a ticket!
AllInOne - Commands:
- /gm = Turns you into the other mode! = Permission: 'aio.gamemode' !
- /time day | night = Permission: 'aio.time' !
- /heal (Player is optional) = Heals you or a player! = Permission: 'aio.heal' & 'aio.heal_other' !
- /god = Makes you immortal! = Permission: 'aio.god'!
- /afk = Show all players, that you're afk! = Permission: 'aio.afk'!
- /broadcast = Brodcasts a message! = Permission: 'aio.broadcast'!
- /clear = Clear's your or a other inventory = Permission: 'aio.clear'!
- /feed (Player is optional) = Feeds you or a player! = Permission: 'aio.feed' & 'aio.feed_other' !
- /kill (Player is optional) = Kills you or a player! = Permission: 'aio.kill' & 'aio.kill_other' !
- /tp [Player] = Teleports you to a player != Permission: '' !
- /bring [Player] = Brings a player to you! = Permission: 'aio.bring' !
- /allinone = Shows you the help menu of AllInOne.= Permission: (Only for /allinone config) 'allinone.reloadc'
- /spawn = Permission: 'aio.spawn' !
- /setspawn = Permission: 'aio.setspawn' !
- /warp = Permission: 'aio.warp'!
- /setwarp = Permission: 'aio.setwarp'
- /home = Permission: 'aio.home'!
- /sethome = Permission: 'aio.sethome'!
- /weather rain | sun | thunder = Changes the weather to the type! = Permission: '' !
- /item [ID] [Amount] = Gives you a defined item! = Permission: 'aio.give' !
- /whois = Shows you some information about a player! = Permission: 'aio.whois'!
- /xp = Gives you or a other player XP! = Permission: 'aio.xp'!
- /mute = Mute other players! = Permission: 'aio.mute'!
- /freeze = Freeze other players! = Permission: 'aio.freeze'!
- /msg = Tell other players a story! = Permission: 'aio.tell'!
- Simple, lightweight and easy to use!
- Permissions Support (PermissionsEX, PermissionsBukkit (Superperms)) = No longer supports 2.7 | 3.1 !
- Message system (You can change the default messages of the plugin in v.0.7)
Click the Button in the right corner to get the newest Version!
To install the plugin:
- Download the latest version of AllInOne!
- Put AllnOne.jar in your plugins folder.
- Reload/Restart your server.
- Enjoy ;)
The configuration file is automatically generated when the server starts. You can change in the config:
- WelcomeMessage: (The message the player gets when they join)
- WelcomeMessageUse: (Choose if you want to use the WelcomeMessage feature!)
- JoinMessage: (The message that is broadcasted when someone joins)
- LeaveMessage: (The message that is broadcasted when someone leaves)
- BroadcastPrefix: (The prefix added before each broadcast)
AllInOne: Prefix: Broadcast: '&aBroadcast&f' Messages: JoinMessage: '&c%player% has joined the game!' LeaveMessage: '&c%player% has left the game!' WelcomeMessage: Use: true Message: '&6Welcome &a%player% ยง6to our awesome Server! &cRespect the rules!'
Alpha 0.5.1
- + /rules
- + /feed
- ~ Fixed /god
Alpha 0.5
- Complete Recode of the plugin! (AllInOne The Rebuild)
- Faster, smoother and easier!
- + /home
- + /sethome
- + /warp
- + /setwarp
- + /xp
- + /gm
- + /afk
- + /god
- + /broadcast
- + /clear
- + /mute
- + /freeze
- + /whois
- - /cmd
Alpha 0.2.1
- Fixed the "You don't have permissions!" messages, yeah!
- + /item [ID] (Amount]
- - Manny Major bugs are now away!
Alpha 0.2
- + /weather command!
- - A few major bugs.
* Milestone 1: click here