AlwaysSunshine - Keeps the sun in the sky
Version: 1.4
This plugin provides simple commands for controlling daylight and weather. With AlwaysSunshine, you never have to be stuck in the rain or lost at night without a torch again.
- Ability to make it constantly daytime (or let time progress as normal)
- Ability to enable/disable the weather
- Permissions 3 support (defaults to Op if Permissions is not found)
- Multiworld support
- /sun daytime [on|off] [worldName]
- toggle daytime on, off or set to a specific state for the current world or optionally a specified world
- on: makes it so the sun will stay up
- off: allows time to progress normally
- /sun weather [on|off] [worldName]
- toggle weather on, off or set to a specific state for the current world or optionally a specified world
- on: allows weather to occur normally
- off: disables all weather events from occurring
- /sun status [worldName]
- displays the current on/off status of both daytime and weather for the current world or optionally a specified world
- /sun help
- shows the list of commands available in AlwaysSunshine
- sunshine.commands
- allows players to control daylight and weather
All players are allowed use the status and help commands since no settings are changed when they are run.
Change Log:
- Version 1.4
- Fixed issues where mutiworld support threw a exception
- Memory and cpu usage optimizations
- Version 1.3
- Added multiworld support
- Fixed issue with it breaking the /time command
- Version 1.2
- Improved input checking and error handling
- Modified command usage
- Version 1.1
- Added permissions support
- Minor bug fixes
- Version 1.0
- Initial Release