This is a maze generator plugin that create mazes with customizable loot. Mazes and loot chest will regenerate after the chest is closed and players inside maze will be teleported back to starting point.
- You need to use a plugin to protect the maze from modification by players.
- You need to enable access to chest for the player to get the loot.
How to use:
- Create a cuboid area with walls (top wall is optional).
- select the inside of the walls using /maze select
- save the selection using /maze save [name_of_your_maze]
- Set a material while holding an item using /maze setmaterial [name_of_your_maze] (can be skipped - default material would be quarts block)
- Stand inside your selection where you want the entrance of the maze and use /maze setmazestart [name_of_your_maze]
- Set loot items by using /maze setloot [name_of_your_maze], an inventory window will pop up, then put all items you want to be the loot.
- Use Command /maze build [name_of_your_maze] to generate the maze.
/maze select - start the selection mode
/maze cancel - disable selection mode
/maze build - generate a maze from valid selection
/maze list - show all saved mazes
/maze build [savedmaze] - generate a saved maze selection
/maze remove [savedmaze] - remove saved maze selection
/maze save [mazename] - save the current selection
/maze setmazestart [mazename] - set where the maze starts to generate
/maze setloot [mazename] - set the loot of maze
/maze setmaterial [mazename] - (while holding selected material) set the material to use in maze generation
More Features will be added soon. Suggestions would be appreciated.
To Be Added on next release:
Disable putting loot in maze chest.