Ancient Gates Reloaded


This plugin is a slight recode of the Ancient Gates plugin by Olof Larsson and then by peewi96. Thanks to their hard work and time maintaining this plugin, many servers have benefitted from a solid portals plugin.


You can now add gates/portals to other worlds and even servers (if BungeeCord is available). This plugin can allow those with permission, to create gates that can be made of any material, be placed horizontally (!!!!) or vertically, and can have a selected material as filler. These gates will teleport any player that enters that gate to the designated location. You can also add commands to be executed when a player steps into the portal - this can be used with or in place of the teleportation. Configuration is a breeze and maintenance is easy with a plugin management suite (Plugman).

To get started, try the base command: * /gate *

In-Depth BungeeCord Support

Keeping with tradition, Ancient Gates Reloaded will fully support BungeeCord server transportation for players and players in vehicles. There will be detailed instructions shortly.


Ancient Gates Reloaded is new and will start fresh with new ideas and a new direction. If you have questions, please post them in the comments or message me directly and I will add a FAQ page to handle these common questions.

Video Tutorials

There are a few older videos on YouTube, but I am currently looking for someone to make an updated video. Please message me if you are interested.