Angel Command Blocks
Version CH-0.3 built and designed for CommandHelper and CraftBukkit 1.4.7
What it Does
Use this plugin to bind any command or script to any kind of block in your world! This can be a block, a button, a switch, a plant, even a sign with ANY text on it!
This plugin is designed so that administrators can create command blocks in the world with specific functions, such as a secret warp block with /warp, a sign that displays rules using /rules or things more sophisticated such as adding a permission to a player or advancing their rank.
NEW: AngelScriptBlocks
Run far more complex commandhelper proceedures directly out of your using AngelScriptBlocks.
This now requires CommandHelper. Commandhelper is a fantastic command aliasing/scripting plugin that allows you to insert your own code at runtime. The files contained in this .zip are text files. The contents of these text files are meant to be copied into the and config.txt files of your CommandHelper configuration folder.
Potential uses
Create a mod only room with commandblocks to reload specific plugins such as Stargates when something goes wrong.
Create interactive doors in your tutorial that display information when the door is opened by clicking.
Create hidden rank up signs around the spawn area.
Display information on MCMMO ranking with a button in spawn.
Create custom "block vending machines" by attaching /buy to buttons.
To create a command block, type /ccb. Then simply follow the on-screen instructions.
Punch a block to select it, then type a list of commands to run.
Enter in /handler S to run these commands on the player as though they were OP (Sudo mode)
Enter in /handler C to run commands on this block from console.
Enter /Cancel to cancel block creation.
The string %p is replaced with the player's name upon running the block.
For AngelScript blocks, first use /asb to start the process.
Punch a block to select it.
Type /asb _yourproc to call that proc out of your
First, retrieve the latest CommandHelper from place this jar in your plugins folder and run the server to generate the needed files. Then navigate to Plugins/Commandhelper and open config.txt and Download the zip folder on this page and extract it. Copy the contents of each text file into the commandhelper files. On your server console or in-game type /reloadaliases to load up new script.
Permission Nodes
ch.alias.acb to create blocks
Known Issues
Some blocks are not yet supported:
Levers on the top/bottom of block
Redstone lamps
The plugin is currently designed to run a command that reports any broken blocks using /report (bReport plugin)
This will not cause a problem if the plugin is not installed, it will however give an "Unknown Command" message and delete the command block in question.
0.1 Fully functional, no known bugs at the moment.