


AnimalEssentials is a plugin that provides many useful commands all around your animals! With it you can teleport, tame, name, kill, spawn, find and heal your beloved pets while having fun looking at cool particle effects and listening to funny sounds.

The plugin has version independence, that means you can use it on 1.8 servers, aswell as on 1.7.10 servers. If you download any version including and above v1.1, you can run it on any Minecraft version mentioned above. Due to 1.9 Bukkit/Spigot having different internal names for sounds, some sounds may not work on lower versions. From version 1.2.2 AnimalEssentials is also compatible with 1.10+.

If you found an issue, or want to contribute to the project in any way, feel free to take a look at the GitHub repository which can be found here:


  • Teleport your animals!
  • Tame animals!
  • Spawn custom animals!
  • Heal animals!
  • Awesome particle effects!
  • Funny sounds!
  • Toggleable update checker!
  • UUID support!
  • Cross-version support!
  • ...and much more!


All the commands are based off of one main command: /ae In the chart below you can see the commands to append to the main command and what they do. For instance, "reload" would be executed as "/ae reload".

The animal(s) to execute the command on are selected by rightclicking them.

<> brackets mean that this argument is required. You must not include them in the actual command.

[] brackets mean that this argument is optional. You must not include them in the actual command.

Please note that some commands only work on your own animals, or animals which are not owned by anyone.

Command Description Has bypass permission
reload Reloads the configuration file. No
help [command] Shows the help of the plugin or the specified command. No
sethome <name> Sets a home for your animals to be used later on. The "name" parameter is the name of your home. No
edithome <name> Updates a home with the coordinates you are standing at. The "name" parameter is the name of the home you want to edit. No
delhome <name> Deletes a previously set home. The "name" parameter is the name of the home you want to delete. No
listhomes Lists all the homes you have previously set. No
find <name> This finds all animals which have the given name. This ONLY works if the animal has a name. Depending on permissions, people can teleport to a found animal. No
heal This fully heals your animal. Yes
kill [amount] This allows you to kill animals via a simple right-click. The "amount" parameter can be used to define the amount of animals you want to kill. Yes
name <name> This names your animal. The "name" parameter defines the name your animal will have. You can use spaces in it. Depending on the config setting, it will use up a nametag. Yes
owner With this command you can check the owner of any animal. No
spawn This opens up a GUI with which you can interact and spawn any animal available with any type, name, wether it's a baby or not and much more. No
tame This tames an animal. No
clone This clones an animal. No

/aetp <home/playername> - This teleports your animal to a home or player. The "home/playername" parameter is the name of the home or player you want to teleport your animal to. (It has a bypass permission)


Some commands have bypass permissions to allow people to interact with animals that are not owned by them. You can see which they are in the command table above. For instance, the bypass permission for /ae name would look like this:

Command Permission Default for
reload aess.reload OPs
help Everybody
sethome aess.home.set Everybody
edithome aess.home.edit Everybody
delhome aess.home.delete Everybody
listhomes aess.home.list Everybody
teleport aess.teleport Everybody
find aess.find Everybody
heal aess.heal OPs
kill aess.kill OPs
name Everybody
owner aess.owner Everybody
spawn aess.spawn OPs
tame aess.tame OPs
clone aess.clone OPs

aess.aetp - This permission allows players to click the text after issuing "/ae find" to be able to teleport to the animal. (OPs)

aess.* - This permission gives access to all permissions listed above.

aess.home.* - This permission gives access to all home commands.


Default configuration:

shouldNamingUseNametag: true
allowMultipleCommands: false
  force: true
  check: true
  onlyOwnAnimals: false
Config option Explanation
shouldNamingUseNametag This value defines wether the user needs to have a nametag in their inventory when using /ae name on an animal. (Not effective in creative mode)
allowMultipleCommands When this is set to true, users will be able to issue multiple AnimalEssentials commands at a time. When set to false, it prevents users from, for instance, killing and naming their animal at the same time.
update.force When set to true, this option disables the plugin if an update has been found. When set to false, only an update notifier will show up if "update.check" is enabled.
update.check When set to false, the plugin will not check for updates.
find.onlyOwnAnimals When this option is enabled, only animals owned by the player sender are displayed. When disabled, untamed animals will also show.

Planned features

  1. WorldGuard support to prevent people from spawning animals in areas that are not their's
  2. Money System
  3. Language support
  4. Suggestions of this reddit post
  5. Configurable command shutdown timer