Announcement is a plugin that broadcasts messages for the server, Such as [Broadcast] This is a test announcement
Announcement supports color code too!
Color code too know!:
How to use it
- Download announcements.jar
- Create a folder inside your plugin folder called 'Announcement'
- Inside the folder create a text document called 'Messages'
- Inside the text document, write whatever you want too broadcast
- Run the server, Watch your announcement flow
- /startAnnouncer
- /stopAnnouncer
- /refreshAnnouncer
Whats to come!
- An automatically made plugin file and folder
- More ways to enhance your announcements e.g. a timer
- A guide in the plugin config on how to work out things
- More of a user-friendly config
- The command /refreshAnnouncer is currently not working, it's added in for later updates, but it currently has no function (planned for 2.5-3.0)