What is NoRain and what does it do?
NoRain is a super simple and easy to use plugin designed to prevent it from raining. Whenever it is about to rain, the plugin stops it!
How do you set up NoRain?
The only setup necessary to use NoRain is to install it, and you are good to go! Once you have loaded the plugin at least once, you can configure the plugin to your liking.
How do you configure NoRain?
It is very simple to configure NoRain. Once the plugin has been loaded at least one time, navigate to your server's plugins folder, then the folder called "NoRain". Inside of the folder there is a file called config.yml. Open that file, and edit your values to your liking. Descriptions of what each value does can be found inside the config.yml file.
How do you install NoRain?
To install NoRain, simply download NoRain.jar, drag and drop it into your server's plugins folder and run the server. No other plugins are needed!
This plugin uses Metrics! To opt out, go to your plugins folder, PluginMetrics, open the config.yml and set the opt-out to true! I am currently working to get the site working for this plugin, please be patient!
Automatic Updating
This plugin will automatically update as of version 1.5! If a new version has been released on this page, it will automatically download the latest update. To disable this, go to your plugins folder and find the Updater folder. Enter the config.yml of that folder, and set "disabled" to "true".
1.0 Initial Release
1.1 Internal code reworked, added console messages
1.2 Switched to craftbukkit API instead of Spigot
1.3 Now compiled with Java JDK 7, should work on all servers
1.4 Added Metrics!
1.5 Automatic updating
1.6 Added a config, with more features
Download Milestones
10 [✓]
25 [✓]
50 [✓]
100 [✓]
250 [✓]
500 [✓]
1000 [✓]
5000 [✓]
Over 7000 downloads! Thanks so much for the support on this plugin. If you have any ideas for future updates, please let me know by commenting or making a ticket!