This plugin autochecks if there is an update available. This plugin however doesn't auto download it. You can disable this function via a config option.
About the plugin
Always wanting to have full power over your the functions of Minecraft?
Here is the plugin for you!
Disable a lot of things in the chosen regions/worlds.
Things you can disable:
- Fly
- Interacting with things/Entities
- Chat
- Bed Enter
- Bucket Empty
- Bucket Fill
- Commands (You can chose what commands are blocked)
- Breaking of blocks
- Editting of a book
- Fishing
- GamemodeChange event
- Consuming of items
- Entering regions
- Picking up arrows
- Using a portal
- Shearing an entity
- Teleportation
How to install
1. Download this plugin by clicking the download button at the top.
2. Make sure you have WorldEdit and WorldGuard installed!
3. Restart your server
4. Customize the config for your needs
5. Enjoy disabling a lot of things!
UpdateChecker: true #Name of the event Anti_Fly: #Enables the fact you want to disable this event Enabled: true #Bypasspermission ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antifly" #Worlds you want to disable this function in Disabled_Worlds: - All #Regions you want to disable this function in Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Block_Break: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiblockbreak" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Interaction: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiinteract" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Chat: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antichat" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Bed_Enter: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antibed.enter" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Bucket_Emtpy: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antibucket.empty" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Bucket_Fill: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antibucket.fill" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Command: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.anticommand" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Disabled_Commands: - help - gamemode 1 Anti_Book_Edit: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antibookedit" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Fish: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antifish" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Gamemode_Change: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antigamemodechange" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Interact_Entity: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiinteractentity" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Item_Consumation: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiitemconsume" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Kick: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antikick" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Entry: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antientry" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - testregion Anti_Arrow_Pickup: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiarrow" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Portal: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiarrow" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Shear: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antishear" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__ Anti_Teleport: Enabled: true ByPassPermission: "antievents.bypass.antiteleport" Disabled_Worlds: - All Disabled_Regions: - __global__