

AntiMining is a simple plugin. It allows you to prevent some blocks from dropping in some worlds. For example, it's very useful if you want to set up a server with a map reserved for mining : you just have to activate AntiMining in the main world, on the minerals blocks to force players to go to the mining map.

Installation :
The installation is basic.
Slide the content of the unzipped file into your plugin folder.
Reload your server.

How to configure :
Edit the plugin/AntiMining/config.yml file and modify the different fields :
message : Write here the warning message to send to the player who broke a specified block.
blocks: The id of the type of the block whose drop has been disabled.
world: The world affected by the plugin.

Version : 1.2

Works With : Minecraft 1.3.1-R2.0

Features :

  • Select affected blocks.
  • Select affected worlds.
  • WorldGuard compatibility
  • Personalize the warning message.

Permissions :

  • AntiMining.Break
    Allows to mine in the protected worlds

Changelog :

version 1.2
Added Permissions

version 1.1
Added WorldGuard compatibility

version 1.0
Initial Release

Todo list
One warning message per session
Your suggestions.