antiRedstoneClock is a plugin to disallow redstoneclock in your minecraft server.
This is my first public plugin , i need you suggestion to improved her.
If you need the support for an older version please tell me you version of spigot, WorldEdit and WorldGuard
- Check the redstone to disable redstoneClock
- You can configurate the texte of the sign
- allow and disallow the notification to admin
- Custom Message
- MultiWorld Support
- WorldGuard Support
- Select if clock drop the redstone item or not
- support redstone, comparator, observer and repeater clock
-WorldGuard (optionnal) - per zone support
-PlotSquared (optionnal) - per plot support
- /arc reload - to reload the config file
- /arc checkList <page> - display the active redstoneclock
- /arc setMaxPulses<value> - change the "MaxPulses" setting
- /arc setDelay <value> - change the "Delay" setting
- /arc notifyAdmin <boolean> - change the "notifyAdmin" setting
To disable the plugin in a plot or a WorldGuard region use:
PlotSquard: /plot flag set anti-redstone-clock false
WorldGuard: /rg flag <region> anti-redstone-clock deny
- antiRedstoneClock.Admin -> allow the acces of all commands
- antiRedstoneClock.notifyAdmin -> permission to received the antiRedstoneClock warning
CheckList legend :
small clock
Limit clock
Example of config:
#En:Don't touch this value #Fr: Ne pas modifier cette valeur version: 0.5 #En:Maximal number Redstone blink authorized during the "Delay" period #Fr:Nombre maximal de clignotement de redstone autorise pendant la periode "Delay" MaxPulses: 150 #En: Time (in second) before the reset of the variable "MaxImpulsion" #Fr:Temp (en secondes) avant de reset la premiere variable Delay: 300 #En:You need it prevent an admin? #Fr:Faut t'il prevenir un admin? NotifyAdmins: true #En:Is it necessary to dropper items ( Redstone / repeater) when a loop is destroyed? #Fr:Faut-il dropper les items (Redstone/repeater) quand une boucle est détruite? DropItems: true #En:Write the text you want in the sign #Fr:Ecrire le texte a mettre sur les panneaux Sign: Line1: 'The RedstonClock' Line2: 'Are' Line3: '&4prohibited' Line4: '' #En:The list of worlds on which the plugin is disabled separate by "/", put a fake name if nothing #Fr: La list des mondes sur lequel le plugin est desactive separe par des "/", mettre un faut non si aucun IgnoreWorlds: redstoneWorld/survie #En:The list of Region on which the plugin is disabled separate by "/", put a fake name if nothing #Fr: La list des Regions sur lequel le plugin est desactive separe par des "/", mettre un faut non si aucun IgnoreRegion: redstone/admins checkedClock: comparator: true observer: true piston: true redstoneAndRepeater: true Msg: default: prefix: '&bAntiRedstoneClock &9&l> &r&b ' error: '&4AntiRedstoneClock &l> &r&c ' no_permission: '&4ERROR &9&l> &r&bYou don''t have permission to do that!' command_use: '&4SnowBallWar &l> &r&cCommand usage: &6/arc $command' message: MsgToAdmin: 'Redstone clock disable in x:$X y:$Y Z:$Z. In the world $World' unknownCmd: 'Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.' reloadSuccess: 'Reload Success!' newValueInConfig: 'The new value of $setting is $value' RedStoneClockListHeader: 'RedstoneClockList: $page' RedStoneClockListFooter: '' Exception: duplicate_object: 'This list already contains this redstone'
Add Observer and Comparator support for Spigot 1.12.2
Or use the 1.12.2 version of paper available her (build 1593 or newer) :
Futur update:
- I need your suggestion
Serveur that use this plugin:
Yours ?