This plugin requires the AttributesAPI
Using this plugin, you can make kits really easily for your server. You don't need to mess with configuration files, you can just edit and create plugins in-game. You can add enchantments and AttributeModifiers to your kit items, and give them custom names and lores. Kits can have a cooldown so that your players can only use it once every so often.
You can use /kit help in-game to look this stuff up
Player usage
- List all kits: /kit
- View the contents of a kit: /kit view <name>
- Receive a kit: /kit <name>
- Give a kit to another player: /kit give <name> <player> (Permission is disabled by default, to prevent spamming kits without cooldown to other players)
Administrator usage
- Create a kit: /kit kit-create <name>
- Remove a kit: /kit kit-remove <name> (This can be undone by clicking a link that will appear in chat)
- Change a kit's cooldown: /kit kit-cooldown <name> <seconds> (This can be undone)
- Create an item to use in kits: /kit item-create <material|id>[:data] (Will return an ID that can be used in other item commands)
- List all items with their ID: /kit item-list
- Remove an item: /kit item-remove <item-id> (This can be undone)
- Add an item to a kit: /kit kit-add-item <item-id> [amount] (This can be undone)
- Remove an item from a kit: /kit remove-item <item-id> [amount] (This can be undone)
- Clear a kit: /kit clear <name> (This can be undone)
- Change an item's display name: /kit item-name <item-id> <clear|new name> (This can be undone)
- Change an item's lore: /kit item-lore <item-id> <clear|new line> (This can be undone)
- Change an item's enchantments: /kit item-enchantment <item-id> <clear|<name> <level>> (This can be undone)
- Change an item's AttributeModifiers: /kit item-attribute <item-id> <clear|<type> <amount> [operation]> (This can be undone)
- Get an item: /kit item-get <item-id> (Useful for testing, when not put in a kit already)
- Give an item to another player: /kit item-give <item-id> <player>
- Refresh a kit's cooldown: /kit refresh <kit|*> [player|*] (Use the asterisk (*) to target all kits/players)
Source Code
The source code of this plugin is on GitHub: Feel free to fork or do whatever you like to do with it, as long as you respect the licence (GPLv3). I will accept pull requests I like.
- kits.get.<name>: Get the kit given by <name>
- kits.give.<name>: Give the kit given by <name> to another player
- kits.refresh.<name>: Refresh the cooldown for the kit given by <name>
- kits.list: View the kit list
- kits.view.<name>: View the contents of the kit given by <name>
- View the list of commands.
- kits.kit.create: Create a new kit
- kits.kit.remove: Remove a kit
- kits.kit.modify: Modify a kit
- kits.item.create: Create a kit item
- kits.item.remove: Remove a kit item
- kits.item.modify: Modify a kit item
- kits.item.get: Get a kit item
- kits.item.give: Give a kit item to another player
- kits.item.list: View the list of kit items