Special explosions not working?
gabizou opened this issue ยท 8 comments
So, I really love this plugin, I've been using it since 1.8 (CB 1317) and my friend and I tried to get the plugin working on our own server for 1.0. We got a few things working but didn't get it completely working (error logs aside).
Update was noted today as of 17 hours ago. Ecstatic, I immediately downloaded and installed Armageddon fresh, new install, no old configs or BaseBukkitPlugin so everything for that would be new.
CB 1597, Armageddon 2.8.2, BaseBukkitPlugin 2.3
I'm getting this issue now with no errors cropping up on the console, log or anything that when I attempt to use any of the default special grenades or ammo for cannons, LITTERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS. I mean literally nothing happens as an effect when they land. TNT works perfectly fine. Golden apples, slimes, slowsand, lava buckets, water buckets, string, doesn't do anything EXCEPT on occasions they're effects will sometimes work when they land on a player. Here's the log of Armageddon starting up:
2011-12-27 07:09:48 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Unfamiliar version string git-Bukkit-1.0.1-R1-b1597jnks (MC: 1.0.1)
2011-12-27 07:09:48 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Checking for lastest version of BaseBukkitPlugin
2011-12-27 07:09:49 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Latest version 2.3 is newer than the installed version!
2011-12-27 07:09:49 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Downloading BaseBukkitPlugin.jar (63kb) ...
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Download finished
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] The latest version was downloaded to XXX/XXXX/xXXX/XXXX/plugins/Armageddon/BaseBukkitPlugin.jar
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [BaseBukkitPlugin 2.3] initialized
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [BaseBukkitPlugin 2.3] Unfamiliar version string git-Bukkit-1.0.1-R1-b1597jnks (MC: 1.0.1)
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Using Permissions' permissions
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [PermissionsCompat] Compatibility layer enabled.
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] WorldEdit: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] enabled.
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Sending anonymous usage data...
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] This can be disabled by setting 'settings.disable-stats' to true in config.yml
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Thank you for using Armageddon! Have fun!!
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Checking for lastest version of Armageddon
2011-12-27 07:09:50 [INFO] [Armageddon 2.82] Automatic updates can be disabled by setting 'settings.disable-updates' to false in config.yml
For example: When a player or myself shoots slowsand (the snarler) and it lands on me, the console is spammed that i'm snarled but i can still move freely. I tested this with survival and creative mode. Is there any incompatibilities from other plugins that you'd know of?
Just tested on a vanilla bukkit server with the only plugin added in as Armageddon. Still running into the same issue.
Which download from github?
I downloaded the jar from Armageddon/Release and it's still doing the same thing.
Sorry, my bad, there is, of course, no ready-to-use download on github... only the source which you can use to build your own jar. That said, you can download the latest version of CraftBukkit at http://ci.bukkit.org/
yes... and I also just fixed the molotov grenades (fireballs), which requires the latest version of Armageddon (2.9). This version will be available on dev.bukkit.org shortly, but if you did not disable auto-updates, you can get it by simply restarting your server twice.
Thanks for alerting me to this... I had not fully tested the updated version.
It turns out, that this was a bug in CraftBukkit, which should be fixed in the latest version on github. Give that a try and see if it works...
I also found that fireballs are broken and I will see about getting a fix in for that as well.
So let me get this straight, Armageddon 2.9 (which is going to be available shortly) will not work with CB 1597? and instead of that I should upgrade my server to CB 1617 which still is dev (not the recommended build most plugins are being built for). Is it something I'm missing that devs are building for the next supposed build of CraftBukkit and skipping 1597 all together?
Armageddon 2.9 is backwards compatible with all recent CB releases, including 1597. However, most grenade-based functionality will not work until you install CB version 1616 or later.
What happened was that at some point (I don't know when), snowballs failed to trigger the ProjectileHitEvent that Armageddon is relying upon. The fix I submitted and that was pulled into the CB source tree at revision 1616 addresses that.
Armageddon 2.9 fixes the molotov grenades, which use fireballs. Fireballs now require a shooter to be assigned or else they vanish immediately. I also don't know when that was introduced, but I assume it was with the 1.0 update.