ArmorHUD is a plugin that provides on screen information of your armor durability. This plugin has a soft dependency for Vault. If you do not wish to use permissions set the permission-system option in the Config file to none. This allows everyone on your server to use ArmorHUD.
- Download the .jar
- Copy it to your plugins folder
- Start the server
- Optional: Set up permissions
Permission | Description |
armorhud.use | Gives the player permission to use ArmorHUD |
armorhud.reload | Gives the player permission to use the /armorhud reload command |
Command | Description |
/armorhud on | Activate the ArmorHUD |
/armorhud off | Deactivate the ArmorHUD |
/armorhud alert | Activate the ArmorHUD in Alert mode, only armor below 10% durability will show up |
/armorhud auto | Activate the ArmorHUD in Automatic mode, the HUD will only show up if you are wearing any armor |
/armorhud reload | Reloads both ArmorHUD config files. Operator status or armorhud.reload permission required for access to this command |
Config option | Parameters | Description |
compatibility-mode: | true/false | Set this to true to allow this plugin to work alongside with other scoreboard plugins not using the sidebar slot |
permission-system: | none/bukkit/vault | Set this to vault or bukkit to use a permission system. If set to none (default) all players will be allowed to use ArmorHUD |
startup-mode: | 'off'/'on'/alert/auto | You can determin here what mode should be the default ArmorHUD mode for connecting players. Use apostrophes if you use the 'off' or 'on' parameter |
startup-message: | true/false | This allows you to disable messages from ArmorHUD on player joins when you have ArmorHUD configured to start for connecting players (startup-mode). |
percentage: | true/false | Set this to true to display armor durability in percentages |
fixed-position: | true/false | Set this to true to display the hud values in a fixed position (img) |
blocked-worlds: | worldname1, worldname2, etc. | Any worlds listed here will prevent ArmorHUD from working there |
Language Config
Helmet: | <Custom helmet name> |
Chest: | <Custom chest name> |
Legs: | <Custom legs name> |
Boots: | <Custom boots name> |
Plugin showcase of ArmorHUD v1.0.
MCStats Metrics
MCStats collects data such as which bukkit or ArmorHUD version you are running. You can find more info here: Do you want to opt-out? Go to the PluginMetrics folder. In the config.yml there set opt-out to true.
Any feedback is appreciated. Please make sure to use the Ticket System if you are reporting a bug. Thanks!
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