Armor Shop is a shop for armor, swords and touches like food and life.
1. You put the "ArmorShop.jar" in the plugin folder and run the server.
2. It creates a folder called "ArmorShop", in this directory is the "config.yml".
Sample Config.yml
3. Change the values and you are ready!
1. Complete Plugin is in English
2. When you brake ores, you get money.
Permissions and Commands:
- ( A player can earn money with Block-depleting. )
- -as.armor.get
- /asleather /asiron /asgold /asdia /aschain
- -fs.sword.get
- /fswood /fsstone /fsiron /fsgold /fsdia
- -as.extra.get ( A player can buy extras. )
- /asheal
- /asfood
- /asday or /asnight
- /assun or /asstorm
- ( A player can watch the shop. )
- /asshop
- ( A player can watch the shop. )
- /fsshop
- -as.admin ( An Admin can reload the config. )
- /asreload
- -fs.admin ( An Admin can reload the config. )
- /fsreload