


Autoplant is a plugin made to stop the deforestation in minecraft.

All this plugin does is that when a sapling is supposed to despawn (after nearly 5 minutes) it will replant itself. The sapling will also check every block around it for saplings or wood to prevent the forest becoming to tight. I do everything to not make this plugin possible to exploit, and players will get more out of collecting the saplings that letting them replant. This is because a sapling WILL despawn if there is saplings or wood on the neighbor-blocks.

The plugin is great for survival servers with tight population, to prevent forests from disappearing.

Commands, permissions and config.

Commands: There is no commands yet.

Coming later:


Permissions: There is no permissions yet.

Coming later:


Config: There is no configuration yet.

The reason i have not added any commands, permissions or config is because i don't think it's an important part of the plugin. I will add it if people want me to.