AutoSavePlus is a plugin that allows for the saving of specific worlds, defined in the config. The worlds are saved at a defined interval, which is configurable. When worlds are saved, they broadcast two messages to players, one when the save starts, and one when the save completes (Both messages configurable)
Command | | Arguments | | Permission | | Description |
/asp | | help | | | | Displays plugin help menu |
/asp | | reload | | asp.reload | | Reloads the plugin's configuration |
/asp | | save | | | | Saves the defined worlds |
/asp | | version | | | | Displays version info |
Name | | Type | | Description |
delay | | integer | | Delay between automatic saves |
start | | string | | Message displayed to players when save begins |
finish | | string | | Message displayed to players when save completes |
worlds | | list | | A list of worlds you would like saved |
debug | | boolean | | Enables/disables extra output to console |
logAllWorlds | | boolean | | Should the plugin log every saved world? |
Node | | Default | | Description |
asp.* | | op | | Gives access to all ASP commands | | | false | | Allows the usage of /asp save |
asp.reload | | false | | Allows the usage of /asp reload |
AutoSavePlus is Open Sourced!
- Our GitHub repository can be found here!
- We ask that you submit pull requests in lieu of full forks.
Bug Reporting
If you happen to find a bug, create a ticket following this template:
- Provide a DETAILED description of your problem and how it came about, as well as all (if any) steps taken to remedy the problem.
- Provide any RELEVANT stack traces or error logs (use pastebin or I will delete your ticket)
- Provide what version of AutoSavePlus and Bukkit/Spigot you are using (Please provide the full version string, found with /version AutoSavePlus and /version)
- Provide any other relevant information.
Before Reporting
- Check the Development Builds, often times your problems are already solved!
- Make sure you are running the latest Bukkit/Spigot build
- Support will not be given for any of the following: Offline Servers and Servers running ancient versions of either Bukkit/Spigot or Java.
- AutoSavePlus has been fully tested (as well as built with) with the latest builds of both Java and Bukkit.