Back Block



WARNING: This is a new project! If you encounter any bugs or glitches, send me PM or put it into comments! Thanks!

- This is a plugin that does not allow players to teleport back after they're killed by another player, or they are in PvP Combat.

- You need Essentials! (this is for servers that use 1.7 or earlier version, for newer versions use EssentialsX)

- You need CombatLog!


- /back - Teleport to previous location (command from Essentials)

- /customback - Reload plugin's configuration


- backblock.ondeath - Permission for teleporting to previous location after player kills you

- backblock.pvp - Permission for teleporting to previous location during combat

Will be added

- Add my own countdown for being in pvp, so that CombatLog plugin will be not needed anymore