Too many mysql connections
c0wg0d opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Mysql has not changed. I just updated from 5.1.1 to 5.4.0 and got the following:
Your MySQL database is saying it has too many connections, and is refusing the connection from the plugin.
This is not a plugin issue, and is a server setup issue.
Please check your MySQL configuration and raise the max connections if necessary. Alternatively, take a look through your plugins to see if you have any others that use MySQL which could be opening too many connections.
I downgraded back to 5.1.1 and the issue is resolved. This was the only change I made, no mysql config changes, no other plugin changes. The problem appears to be with BanManager.
There have been no changes in the way BanManager manages its connections to the database. Lower your maxConnection in the config.