- 1
Expired warns are not included in /bminfo
#941 opened by piotrskibapl - 0
Add report notifications via discord
#938 opened by confuser - 3
Velocity Proxy 3.1.x (3.0.2 build 82 tested) support
#939 opened by rautamiekka - 4
[Feature request] Ban waves
#950 opened by GeekCornerGH - 0
Delete IP Ban Records
#943 opened by confuser - 0
bstat submitStorageVersion causes NPE resulting in plugin not loading
#945 opened by Sir-Will - 0
Perplexing documentation for API method
#953 opened by A248 - 0
Add [created] to discord messages
#962 opened by confuser - 2
Use of rewriteBatchedStatements disables useServerPrepStmts
#955 opened by A248 - 0
Race condition in BungeeCord implemetnation
#956 opened by A248 - 0
Add getPlayers(IPAddress ip) to BmAPI
#960 opened by confuser - 0
/bminfo records should populate with /bmdelete command on click
#961 opened by confuser - 1
uuid of players in MySQL database
#964 opened by adrien-pw - 0
Incorrect BungeeCord main property in plugin.yml
#963 opened by confuser - 3
[Feature] Punishments can't be removed by lowest staff's ranks + revoke OWN punishment permissions
#965 opened by Cr4zyGeek - 2
me.confuser.banmanager.common.hikari.HikariConfig]: Failed to load driver class com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver from HikariConfig class classloader net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader@694f9431
#968 opened by cider789 - 0
Add [created] token to ban deny messages
#969 opened by confuser - 0
Multiple servers using same local database and global causes duplicates
#970 opened by confuser - 2
An error occurred at startup
#972 opened by misss520 - 8
Incompatibility with AsyncWorldEditInjector
#973 opened by GedeonGrays - 0
Support PlaceholderAPI in messages.yml
#974 opened by confuser - 4
Synchronization with the database
#975 opened by GedeonGrays - 1
Random thread error
#976 opened by kaxlabs - 2
Silent flag doesn't work for kick command
#977 opened by piotrskibapl - 3
[Feature] GUI Clickable reasons.yml (Multiple selection)
#978 opened by TomLewis - 1
Not working on 1.19.2 Paper Spigot -> ERROR
#979 opened by swedax94 - 0
/bmnames for username history from BM Database
#980 opened by TomLewis - 4
#981 opened by F3F5 - 0
Suggestion: Add within timeframe to warningActions
#982 opened by TomLewis - 0
#983 opened by F3F5 - 1
Don't work on FlameCord
#984 opened by AloneRUS - 1
WebEnhancer for Velocity
#987 opened by Hatzefatz - 1
[FEATURE RQ] DiscordSRV Unlink with bans.
#991 opened by Castiella - 0
Request: Montly Reports for bad players.
#915 opened by TomLewis - 3
Mute to block SimpleClans Clan/Ally chat when Toggled
#917 opened by TomLewis - 0
/bmreload should change chatPriority
#918 opened by confuser - 1
Recently installed DiscordSRV.. It messed with my Ban Manager
#919 opened by uhBonk - 0
Silent bans Discord
#920 opened by Majeranek777 - 1
- 0
Configurable UUID fetcher
#925 opened by confuser - 2
Plugin fails to load with Java 16 (which will be needed for 1.17)
#928 opened by Momshroom - 0
Add /bminfo <ip>
#927 opened by confuser - 1
BungeeCord missing author
#929 opened by confuser - 0
Add date time separator to configuration
#930 opened by confuser - 0
Add maxMultiaccountsRecently bypass permission
#932 opened by confuser - 1
timeAssociatedAlts as 0 doesn't work
#931 opened by Katrix - 2
Tempmute enhancement
#934 opened by denvolj - 0
Add baniprange to exemptions
#935 opened by confuser - 0
#936 opened by mastericon7 - 0
Player is null in join listener delayed task
#937 opened by traksag