warning actions seems not to work
afroman84 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Hi, i have set the warningActions to true like this:
enabled: true
'10': tempban [player] 40m [reason]
'1': kick [player] [reason]
'2': kick [player] [reason]
'3': kick [player] [reason]
'4': tempmute [player] 1m [reason]
'5': tempmute [player] 1m [reason]
'6': tempban [player] 2m [reason]
'7': tempban [player] 5m [reason]
'8': tempban [player] 10m [reason]
'9': tempban [player] 20m [reason]
'11': tempban [player] 1d [reason]
'12': ban [player] [reason]
no action taken at /warn
this broke up some updates ago, i always use the last dev build.
no exceptions launched in console, and no errors. just doesn't execute actions.
So the player doesn't get kicked when you /warn them?
Can you see BanManager attempting to execute any commands at all?
It's because he didn't update to the new WarningActions style.
Make it look like this:
- 'Command'
- 'Command'
- 'Command'
- 'Command'
OK I'll change the config like that and will report if it works. Is it possible to append two or more commands too?
Yes, that is exactly what is the change. You can just add as many commands as you want.
New syntax works as expected.
Maybe stupid question but does it support multiple commands this way?
It works ad expected for me too. I gave 3 commands foreach level of warning and no problem at all. I think this is solved and we could close the issue :)