BanManager lag Timings
Kedarin opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I don't understand why BanManager get :
0.00% 395.88% 0.79 s 197.94 ms 0.0 0.0k Task: TempBanCommand$1$1(Single)
0.00% 512.51% 0.26 s 256.26 ms 0.0 0.0k Task: BanCommand$1$1(Single)
My timings :
Server version : version git-Spigot-870264a-0a645a2 (MC: 1.8.3) (Implementing API version 1.8.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
BanManager version : 5.4.1
Thank you,
Total: 81.331s (Ticks: 3253) - Sample Time: 164.851s - Spigot Version: 870264a-0a645a2 (MC: 1.8.3)
Average Entities: 543.78 / 1,300.19 (41.82%) - Average Players: 18.08 - Average TPS: 19.73 - Server Load: 39.37%
Minecraft Total: 58.276 s Pct: 35.35%
Pct Total Pct Tick Total Avg PerTick Count Event
12.15% 12.31% 20.03 s 6.16 ms 1.0 3.3k Survival - tickEntities
10.89% 11.04% 17.95 s 5.52 ms 1.0 3.3k Plugin Scheduler
5.32% 5.40% 8.78 s 2.70 ms 1.0 3.3k Survival - doTick
BanManager v5.4.1 Total: 0 s Pct: 0.00%
0.00% 0.01% 0.00 s 0.01 ms 0.0 0.0k CommandListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent)
0.00% 0.02% 0.00 s 0.01 ms 0.0 0.0k JoinListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent)
0.00% 0.01% 0.00 s 0.01 ms 0.0 0.0k LeaveListener::onLeave(PlayerQuitEvent)
0.00% 0.01% 0.00 s 0.01 ms 0.0 0.0k JoinListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent)
Strange. How long was your measurement? How many users?
Header information would be useful.
You can see header information :
90-120 users
How long was your measurement? what is ?
Your timers are fine @Kedarin, take note that they say "Task" meaning it's the database calls that are causing the increase. This is all done async, so it won't cause lag or affect the server's TPS.