This is a continuation of BananaRegion from codename_B.
How to
Simply surround the area with fences (nether fences and/or fence gates will work, too) and put a sign ontop of these. On the first line of the sign you have to write BananaRegion, use the third line to set the price.
- Protects the region from anyone else interacting (except for wooden doors, wooden pressure plates and fence gates), placing blocks, destroying blocks etc.
- Supports full-world protections.
- Supports freebuild regions.
- Supports for sell regions.
- Supports multiple owners (just create more renting signs for the same region).
- Supports nested regions.
- Makes the region fireproof.
- Makes the region explosion proof.
- Stops fluids from moving into regions.
- Prevents Enderman griefing in the regions.
- Friendly mobs for region owners/admins.
- Rent auto-renews if players have enough money.
- Charges the player to get a 7 day lease on the region - real days NOT minecraft days.
- Players cannot destroy, change, or place rental signs.
- Players cannot destroy the protective fence.
- Automatic godmode in regions for admins and region owners - more incentive to own a region!
- An excellent and easy to use API for devs to add their own things to BananaRegion.
To rent the region you're looking at.
To unrent the region you're looking at.
/setrent x
To change the monthly fee to x (Warning: This unrents the region, too!)
To reload the configuration from disk.
/update BananaRegion
To update this plugin. Have a look here for more information.
You need this node to build new regions, destroy old ones, use /unrent for regions you're not owning, to use /setrent and /brreload. Defaults to op.
You need this node to use the /rent command. Defaults to all.
Users with this node will be notified about new updates. Defaults to op.
Users with this node will be able to /update this plugin. Defaults to op.
for more information about the autoupdate nodes have a look here.
BananaRegion uses Vault. That means: No Vault, no economy support (it will work without, too).
If you have a instance of this plugin (Hint: pluginManager.getPlugin("BananaRegion") ) use the method getAPI() to get the API.
int getVersion()
To get the versions number of the API. This number changes whenever the API gets something new added or if something breaks.
boolean canBuild(Block block, Player player)
Returns true if one of the following conditions met:
- The block don't belong to a protected region/world.
- The player owns the region the block is in.
- The player has the permission bananaregion.admin.
- The block belongs to a freebuild region.
boolean canBuild(Block block, String player)
Returns true if:
- The block don't belong to a protected region/world.
- The player owns the region the block is in.
- The player is online and has the permission bananaregion.admin
- A Vault compatible permissions plugin with support for offline players is enabled and the player has the permission bananaregion.admin
- The block belongs to a freebuild region.
String[] getOwners(Block block)
Returns a string array containing the owners of the block (this array can be empty).
boolean isRegion(Block block)
Returns true if the block is part of a region or false if not.
boolean isProtectedRegion(Block block)
Returns true if the block is part of a protected region or false if not.
boolean isFreeRegion(Block block)
Returns true if the block is part of a freebuild region or false if not.
Configuration/World protection
Activate godmode for region owners/admins.
Only region owners can damage animals in their region.
Allow (true) or deny (deny) specific actions globally for your worlds. Admins/Region owners will still be allowed to do anything.
In this section you can also specify the region lease length per world.
Freebuild regions
To make freebuild regions surround a region with fences like always. Also write BananaRegion on the first line of the sign. But this time write [FREE] on the second!
Everybody will be allowed to build in freebuild regions. Else permissions will depend on the WorldProtections.
For sell regions
To define a region for sell write [FOR SELL] on the second sign line.
Thanks to ChrisC for making this video!