Having trouble with players using modded items like turtles, quarry,etc.? BanItem allows you to ban any item of your choice! Add it to the blacklist which will prevent players to use the item! This plugin is best use for Tekkit or other mod packs server as it can ban items that have bugs, items that can grief houses even though they are protected and also allow owners to unban some items for different ranks!
PermissionEx is Recommended.
All of the BanItem versions works on all modpacks!
- Adding permission for groups/players
- Shows list of Items!
- Add Item on your hand to the blacklist
- Delete Item that are blacklisted
- Console Commands for clear,list and help.
- Player command Clear blacklist
- Blacklisting items that have different itemdata. (for example, 35:3, 35:7)
- bypassing banned items with permission. (for example, banitem.bypass.35:* or banitem.bypass.35:6)
- added blacklisted item pickup
- more Advanced Config file
- Shows reason when its banned.
Update Check
- just disable the update check by putting 'false' on 'UpdateChecker'. Example:
UpdateChecker: false
Installing plugin:
- Download the plugin, install it on the server by unzipping the zip file and then move banitem.jar file into your plugins folder.
- Restart the server .
Adding ban item to ban list:
In game:
- /banitem add <reason> ( use this command when you're holding the item u wish to ban ). This is the most simplest way to add the item you wish to ban in the list.
On config:
- Navigate to banitem folder in your plugins folder.
- Open config.yml.
- Look at 'default-config.yml' for reference of how to add ban item into the config.
- After adding your list of ban items, just type /banitem reload on the server.(or if the server is off, just start it up)
- You're set!
Example for 3:
- - '5:-1:Wood is just awesome' [ -1 refers to all the numbers].
- - '35:6:No touching this wool'.
Still having trouble adding list of ban items into the list?
Check out a few video from the youtube video below.
A Video made by Hexzipz in English.
A video tutorial made by AbsintoJ in Portuguese
- PM me the url of the video on Youtube, and the best video will be up on the main page of this plugin.
- Any youtube url shared on the comment will be removed!!
Upcoming Features
-Please suggest for more features to be added!