Barrage adds some excitement to arrow mechanics. 14 arrow types and unique loading mechanics make Barrage a blast!
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Arrow Types
- GlassHead - Higher critical chance rate
- APmax - Always hits for 3 damage
- Torch - Places a torch where the arrow lands
- Net - Create a slowing net trap on impact
- Water - Create a water spout, from a distance
- Fire - Not just for entities anymore, these fire arrows pack a bit more punch
- Lightning - Pretty self explanatory
- Mudslinger - Throw sand blocks as far as you can shoot
- Warp - Teleports you as soon as the arrow lands, wherever it lands
- Poison - Gives anybody it hits a healthy dose
- Frag - The classic
- Impact - Reach out and touch someone
- BugBomb - Hug people with spiders
- PlanetCracker - You don't want to be anywhere near these when they go off
To Fire off a Salvo:
- Place a bow in your hotbar
- Place the materials required for the desired type in your hotbar
- Left click your bow to cycle through the available arrow types
- Right click to fire
- You may only cycle through arrow types that have sufficient ingredients in your hotbar
- You may have multiple arrow type ingredients in your hotbar at the same time
None at this time
No permissions support at this time.
To enable an arrow type, uncomment the line by removing the #
Costs are given in the format ITEM_NAME:AMOUNT
For arrows that have multiple requirements, separate them with a comma
EX: Frag: TNT:1,Dirt:1,Water Bucket:64
- GlassHead: Glass:1
- APmax: Iron Ingot:3,Obsidian:1
- Torch: Torch:1
- Net: String:9
- Water: Water Bucket:1
- Fire: Torch:1,Coal:1
- Lightning: Emerald:1,Iron Ingot:1,Magma Cream:1
- Mudslinger: Dirt:1
- Warp: Ender Pearl:1
- Poison: Spider Eye:3,Red Mushroom:3,Brown Mushroom:3
- Frag: TNT:1
- Impact: TNT:1
- Bugbomb: Spider Eye:1,Sugar:10
- PlanetCracker: Ghast Tear:1,Eye of Ender:1,TNT:5,Redstone:5
Place Barrage.jar in your plugins folder and reload the server.
- v3.0 - 1.9.2 Compatibility Update
- v1.0 - Initial release.