A simple, easy to use and set up economy plugin with the essential features to add economy to your server!
Commands: <> = Required, [] = Optional
/beco help: Displays the admin command(s)
/pay <player name> <amount>: Pay a player from your balance
/bal [player name]: Check a players balance
You can make shopsigns for players to buy/sell items to/from the server.
Line 1: [Buy] or [Sell]
Line 2: Amount per transaction
Line 3: Item ID
Line 4: Price
Players can then right click the sign to use it. Also, they can hold shift to buy/sell exactly one stack.
Permission Nodes:
basiceconomy.commands.beco: /beco
basiceconomy.commands.beco.set: /beco set
basiceconomy.commands.balance: /balance (/bal, /money)
basiceconomy.commands.pay: /pay
basiceconomy.adminshop.place: Place admin shops
basiceconomy.adminshop.use: Use admin shops