BasicSpawn ✰Reloaded✰
BasicSpawn Reloaded is the solution for your spawn, whether its just a spawn, or a hub ...
Milestones and thanks
Hey everybody, Thanks for over 100 downloads, I didn't think I will reach it in 3 - 4 days. I will be soon making a tutorial video about how to use it . And how to manage the config of course ! :)
[ 100 ] - ✓
[ 500 ] - ✓
[ 1000 ] - X
BasicSpawnReloaded is here, and it allows TONS of new features ! Except /spawn and /setspawn of course there are a ton more ! It will basically manage the spawn area for you ! Whether the players have played on your server before or if they haven't. Also, it is great for hub servers.
Features :
- 100 % Editable config.yml and all the features can be toggled.
- Effects
- Sound effects.
- A world protecting system (If spawn is in another world) . ✓
- Set a spawn for multiple worlds. ✓
- Set a global spawn. ✓
- Teleport players to spawn on join. ✓
- Teleport a specific user to your world's spawn. ✓
- Teleport everyone to the spawn. ✓
- Teleport everyone except you to the spawn. ✓
- Teleport all players to the global spawn. ✓
- Teleport all players to the global spawn without yourself. ✓
- Custom teleportation delays. ✓
- Custom join messages. ✓
- Custom leave messages. ✓
- Custom permissions for join messages. ✓
- Custom permissions for leave messages. ✓
- Custom settings for newbie players ! ✓
- First spawn for newbie players ! ✓
- /bsrset ➨ Set's the spawn for the current world.
- /bsr ➨ Shows info about the creator and etc...
- /bsrall ➨ Teleports all players to your world's spawn.
- /bsrallnme ➨ Teleports all the players to your world's spawn except you.
- /bspawn ➨ Teleport to the current world's spawn.
- /bspawn <Player> ➨ Teleport a player to his world's spawn.
- /bsrreload ➨ Reload the configuration file.
- /bsrsetg ➨ Will set a global spawn.
- /bsrgog ➨ Go to the global spawn.
- /gspawn ➨ Go to the global spawn.
- /bsrgog <Player> or /gspawn <Player> ➨ Teleport a player to the global spawn.
- /bsrsettemp ➨ Set a temporare spawn for youself.
- /bsrtemp ➨ Get back to your temporare spawn.
- /bsrallg ➨ Teleport all players to the global spawn.
- /bsrallgnme ➨ Teleport all players to the global spawn without yourself.
- /bsrsetnewbie ➨ Set a newbie spawnpoint.
- /bsrgonewbie ➨ Teleport to the newbie spawnpoint.
Commands and features that are under progress
- Sound Effects. / Toggleable / Need to add more
- Effects / Toggleable / Need to add more
- Permisson for /bsr is
- Permission for /bsrset is bsr.set
- Permission for /bspawn is bsr.spawn
- Permission for /bspawn <Player> is bsr.other
- Permission for /bsrall all the players is bsr.all
- Permission for /bsrreload is bsr.reload
- Permission for /bsrallnme is bsr.all.notme
- Permission for custom join message is custom. Default permission is bsr.custom.join
- Permission for custom leave message is custom. Default permission is bsr.custom.leave
- Permission for /bsrgog is
- Permission for /gspawn is
- Permission to teleport a player to the global spawn is
- Permission for /bsrsetg is
- Permission for /bsrsettemp is bsr.set.temp
- Permission for /bsrtemp is bsr.temp
- Permission for /bsrallg is
- Permission for /bsrallgnme is
- Permission to bypass world protection is bsr.spawn.protect
- Permission for /bsrsetnewbie is bsr.set.newbie.spawn
- Permission for /bsrgonewbie is bsr.go.newbie.spawn
Way 1
- 1. Download the plugin.
- 2. Copy and paste it into your /plugins folder.
- 3. Open the server console and run the command : /reload
- 4. The plugin is now installed !
Way 2
- 1. Stop your server.
- 2. Copy and paste it into your /plugin folder.
- 3. Start your server.
- 4. The plugin is now installed !
✪✪✪ Donate ✪✪✪ / Upgrade
- Donate using the donate button on the right top corner.
- Do you like BasicSpawnReloaded ?
- ( SOON ! ) Consider buying the full version for 1.99 USD !
- The full version has faster support with me, and newer plugin versions !
- Thanks !
Sound Effects
Currently available sound effects are : growl , permission : bsr.sounds.growl note , permission : bsr.sounds.note firework , permission : bsr.sounds.firework item_pickup , permission : bsr.sounds.itempickup
Currently available effects are : firework , permission : bsr.effects.firework
Youtube videos / tutorials
Demo Servers
None yet. Is your server using BasicSpawnReloaded ? Do you want more people to join your server ? Private message me your server IP and it will be here ! :)