Vote for Weather or Time changes
Version 1.0.0 is MC 1.2.3 ready (craftbukkit #2034 1.2.3-R0.1)
Tired of answering the same votings again and again? With this plugin you need only to vote ONCE for sun, rain, day or night without the need to vote again until you leave the server or opt out.
Version: v0.9.0
- Vote for time or weather
- Permissions support
- No need to revote until you opt out
- Full Multilanguage
- Ecnonomy, charge your users money for voting
- Vault
/vote day /vote night /vote sun /vote rain /vote undo
bcvote.* -- allow all votes bcvote.time -- allow votes for day or night -- allow votes for weather changing
F.A.Q.: Q: When enough people vote for day/sun will it stay forerver? A: No it will change normaly until someone votes again.
Known Issues: None. Please report here if you get in trouble!
Extras: see the orignial post on Bukkit for more information