Be The Nuke!

Be The Nuke!


This plugin enables you to become a missile yourself!

You can launch yourself through the air like a real missile and specify the distance/speed of yourself and how big the explosion is when you land.


/bethenuke -Displays help and credits

/launch (speed) (explosion power) -Launches yourself like a missile

The speed parameter specifies how far you will fly.
The explosion power parameter specifies how big the explosion will be when you land.

In order to "be" the nuke, the player must be in creative mode. Therefore, as a part of the plugin, if a player is in survival mode, it will set him/her in creative mode for the duration of the flight. During the flight, it will not allow them to take/trash any items in creative mode to avoid cheating. He/her will be changed back to survival mode at the end of the flight and will take the damage of the explosion the missile caused. However, if a player is already in creative mode and executes the command, at the end of the flight he/she will stay in creative mode and will be able to take/trash items during the flight in creative mode.

Youtube video: