Don't like server /say or even the /broadcast well I don't and I made this plugin Now I bet you're asking is this just gonna be [BB] <Message> Well no you can choose the colour and if you want the [BB]
/BB - Broadcast a message to the server
/BBToggle - Toggles if the [BB] tag is showing (per player)
/BBColours - Shows all of Minecraft's Colour Codes
/BBReload - Reloads the config file
/BB - bb.broadcast
/BBToggle bb.toggle
/BBColours bb.colours
/BBReload bb.reload
/BBInfo 1.3+
/BBConfig bb.config 1.3+
How to use
This plugin revolves around several commands /BB, /BBToggle and /BBColours, with /BBConfig and /BBInfo being admin command To broadcast "Hello!" to the server type /BB Hello!. To broadcast it in red type /BB &cHello! as the '&' tells the plugin the next digit is a Colour Code and the 'c' is the Colour Code for red.
To view all Colour Codes do /BBColours.
If you don't like the "[BB]" or feel the next broadcast will be better without it do /BBToggle and it toggles if the [BB] tag is shown.
You can modify config files using /BBConfig, executing without any arguments will show the help page
You can also see a little bit of information about the plugin by doing /BBInfo
How to change the [BB] tag
Set the value 'tag' in your config to what you'd like the tag to be, it should include the default value in the config for an example.
To modify the [BB] tag change the 'tag' key in your config (allows colour codes)
To deny turning the [BB] tag off change the 'AllowNoTag' configuration key to 'false'
You can also modify these values using /BBConfig set <key> <value> (see /BBConfig for more info) 1.3+
Suggestions or bug reports
If would love to tell me of any bug or something you would like to add don't be scared just submit a ticket on the project
BetterBroadcast is now open source for anyone to view and modify, fork it to your heart's content.
For the VERY nice people
I accept donations of any amount as it motivates me to try harder at fixing code problems and more features and of course I don't force you to donate, this plugin is and will remain free of charge.