Better Home


BetterHome is a plugin which allows players to set their home while also allowing admins/ players with permission to set the worlds spawn location some special features in this plugin is that you may request to visit a player and if they accept you will be teleported to their home, you can also put on block mode to block all incoming requests, please note this plugin is only in early beta and may contain bugs but if so please report them to me.

/betterhomeTeleports the players to their home
/betterhome setSets the players home
/betterspawnTeleports the player to the current worlds spawn location
/betterspawn setSets the current worlds spawn location
/bettervisit request <player>Requests a visit to player specified
/bettervisit acceptAccepts a visit
/bettervisit declineDeclines a visit
/bettervisit cancelCancels a visit
/bettervisit block <on/off>Puts the player in block mode where all visit requests will be blocked
betterhome.*All commands
betterhome.home.*All /betterhome commands
betterhome.spawn.*All /betterspawn commands
betterhome.visit.*All /bettervisit commands
betterhome.sethome/betterhome set
betterhome.setspawn/betterspawn set
betterhome.requestvisit/visit request
betterhome.acceptvisit/visit accept
betterhome.declinevisit/visit decline
betterhome.cancelvisit/visit cancel
betterhome.blockvisit/visit block <on/off>

All commands default to true except betterhome.setspawn which defaults to op only.

  1. Put plugin jar into the plugins folder
  2. Reload server
Please Note

This plugin uses UUIDFetcher and therefore makes a connection to "".