BetterPhysics is a (currently) small plugin, which improves the minecraft physics. After an explosion now blocks fly through the air instead of disappearing. Servers can adjust the percentage of flying blocks, special-effects and more. Currently the supported languages are English and German, I am searching for translators. More features are planned! Here you can find pictures of the explosions!
- Multiple languages supported
- Flying blocks after explosion
- Configurable percentage of flying blocks
- enable/disable special feature
- world blacklist
- Highly customizable
- /bp - Shows a help with commands and parameters
- /bp list - Shows the world blacklist
- /bp list add <WorldName> - Adds a world to the blacklist
- /bp set ARG1 - Shows help for a feature
- /bp set ARG1 ARG2 - Changes the value of a feature
- /bp.admin - Main permission for all commands
Planned Features
- Whitelist-mode
- Command to remove entries from blacklist
- More physics-features
- Implement more languages (See note below)