


A plugin that manages your operator's permissions better with improved custom commands. No more OP abuse yay

/telep a command to tp to a player
/bann acommand to ban players
/pardonn a command to unban players
/kickk a command to kick players
/spectate a command to go in spectator mode
/survival a command to go in survival mode
/spectateallow allow /spectate
/spectatedeny disable /spectate
/bannallow allow /bann
/banndeny disable /bann
/pardonnallow allow /pardonn
/pardonndeny disable /pardonn
/kickkallow allow /kickk
/kickkdeny disable /kickk
/survivalallow allow /survival
/survivaldeny disable /survival

Note that operators cannot use spectate and teleport powers to their advantage because when you go in spectator mode and when you go back in survival mode, you will be teleported to the location where you went into spectator mode. You will also be teleported back to where ever the operator is standing before teleporting to a player and yes your gamemode will be switched to spectator when you tp to a player.

No more operator permission abuse lets goo, also sub to my YT cuz i make good content

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