BetterWE - it is a simple plugin that gives you ability to create per rank limits in WorldEdit.
There is one command:
/bsel - starts creating the selection. After running that command, player should select an cuboid area by placing or breaking 2 blocks. Then WorldEdit commands will apply for the selected region. Also, checks player rank by checking betterwe.limit.<rank> permission.
Example configuration:
Builder: 500 Engineer: 1000
That means that Builder rank will have 500 draw limit and Engineer - 1000 blocks.
1.betterwe.limit.<rank> - sets selection limit of <rank>, that is specified in config. For example, if we use example config, betterwe.limit.Builder will set player's selection limit to 500 blocks
2.betterwe.limit.unlimited - removes limit for player (unlimited selection)
Any ideas, suggestions or remarks are welcomed.