Advanced AntiSpam

Advanced AntiSpam


Advanced AntiSpam

This is a simple plugin to prevent players from spamming/abusing in chat (sending a customizable message). It can block words with a simple to use blacklist and prevent people from capsing and advertising. The new version also include an Anti7 function and customizable Join/Leave messages. Stay tuned for updates!


  • AntiSpam for chat
  • AntiSpam for commands
  • AntiCaps
  • Word BlackList
  • Command BlackList
  • GlobalMute
  • AntiAD IP
  • AntiAD URL/Website
  • Join/Leave messages


/antispamShow the help for the plugin
/antispam reloadReload plugin's configuration
/antispam add <word>Add a word to the blacklist
/antispam remove <word>Remove a word from the blacklist
/globalmute <on/off>Toggle GlobalMute status


antispam.reloadPermission for reloading the configuration
antispam.addPermission to add a word to the blacklist
antispam.removePermission to remove a word from the blacklist
antispam.capsPermission to bypass caps check
antispam.spamPermission to bypass spam check
antispam.blacklistPermission to bypass chat/command/ad blacklist
antispam.globalmutePermission to enable/disable/bypass the global mute

How to install?

  1. Download the .jar file
  2. Drag the .jar file into the plugins folder
  3. Restart/Reload the server


Just edit config.yml, every option ha got an explanation comment.

Why should I use this plugin rather then others?

This is a very simple and fast way to prevent spamming and it has less bug then others plugins. It has also a lot of useful functions such as Anti7 or Join/Leave commands.

Planned features

  • Disable Join/Leave messages
  • Console commands for blacklist management
  • Commands for commands blacklist management
  • Antibot
  • Language selector
  • Punishment system for spam/advertisement
  • Metrics for tracking usage


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