This plugin will regenerate TNT and Creeper explosion holes in a natural way. You can set which worlds are enabled, how long before explosions starts regenerating, and how large a gap in time between each block regeneration. BlastRepair is unlike most other Plugins which perform this task in that it can repair multiple holes even in large areas of sand with minimal deformation, and instead of disabling chests being destroyed, it saves their contents and replaces the chest along with other blocks.
How it works
BlastRepair works by saving all blocks in an explosion event, randomly mixing them to get the natural generation feel, and then sorting them by height, or block Y value. It then splits this list into two lists, one for non-dependant materials, and one for dependant materials. This is so that blocks that depend on other blocks to exist can be regenerated after non-dependant blocks so they have a base to attach to.
There are a lot more technical details for situations like sand, falling blocks, chests, and signs, but I wont explain them in depth right now.
How to install
Simply drag and drop into your Plugins folder, reload or start your server and it will create the necessary config file. This plugin has no dependencies.
This plugin has a few levels of customisation. Inside the config file is a list of worlds, and whether BlastProtection is enabled on each of them. Default setting is disabled.
This brings me on to commands.
Commands & Permissions
This plugin currently only has one command:
brenable: usage: /brenable
description: This command enables or disables BlastProtection in the world you are currently in. This is so users who do not have to have access to the config file can enable and disable protection on each world, with the right permissions.
permission node: blastrepair.enable
This plugin does not currently auto update, nor get information about new updates. You'll just have to do that yourself for now, although I will try and list accurately the versions of Bukkit which each version of this plugin works with.
This plugin does not collect any statistics, although I would like to collect info on how many servers are currently using it. If this does happen it will not be implemented for some time.
Current Bugs
- Signs will not regenerate original text.
- Very large explosions may not fully reform - One or two blocks may be missing.
- In sand explosions, the above may happen more often.
- Paintings and Item frames do not regenerate.
- Beacon effects do not regenerate.
- Try and get Beacon effects to save and restore.
- Restore potion stand, cauldron, dispenser, jukebox and dropper inventories.
- Figure out why sign text doesn't update.
This plugin has not been fully tested although I have done as much as I can. If any of you come across any problems, notify me and I will try to fix them as soon as possible.
As always, if any of you have any suggestions, or wish to see anything added or changed in this plugin, ask and I will do what I can.