Block Breaker


Block Breaker

This plugin allow you to have no grief in your server, just the person who have "Break.Allow" Permission can break blocks. When the person with "Break.Allow" Permission joins he will receive a Magma Cream called Block Breaker. If he still with the Magma Cream he will be able to destroy every block, if he removes the Block from the inventory, he will not be able to destroy blocks.

NOTE: WORKS ON 1.7.X & 1.8!


/break - Allows to get the Magma Cream called Block Breaker.

ALIASES: /br /mg /magmacream /mag /block

/breakauthor - Show's author's info.


break.allow - Main permission, if you have this, you will receive the Magma Cream on join

Why Download This?

Well, this is an way of removing Grief of some Hub server, or an alternative to World Guard.

To-do List

√ - Place it on

ҳ - Permission to deny the join item.

ҳ - Suggest more!


If you have any suggestion post it on the comments, Post a Comment!