Prevent some blocks and/or items to be placed.
- Fast coding with almost zero impact on servers.
- Plugin file with just 10kB.
- config.yml customizable with your black list choices.
- Bypass with permission (- blockblacklist) or to Op's.
- Option to block all TNT explosions.
- Log in console who tried to pick, place, manipulate or drop the blacklisted material, world and coordinates.
- Log signs placed with the player name, world name, coordinates and text.
- Broadcast the same info above to who has the permission node and Op's.
Show blaclisted materials: /bbl
Add item to blacklist: /bbl add <MATERIAL_NAME>
Or you can hold the item ingame and type /bbl add
Remove from blacklist: /bbl remove <MATERIAL_NAME>
Or you can hold the item ingame and type /bbl remove
Clear blacklist: /bbl clear
You can find Materials Names here: