BlockCount [CB 1337]
BlockCount v0.3 - Region measurement for your users!
With this plugin you can help your users measure their building area, buildings ect. Basicly there are 2 main functions, the countingstick and the selection feather. The countingstick counts every block you rightclick on. This helps you counting blocks of asymetric structures. The selection feather works just like the wooden axe in worldedit. You can easily select an area by setting 2 points with left-/rightclick and with the command "/bc info" you'll get all informations you need, to be specific the height, length, width, volume and top-area. With this your users can plan the dimensions and scale of their house or project better.
- Sinlge block counting with stick
- Area/region measuring with feather (2 point selection as seen in Worldedit)
- Displaying height,width,length,(surface-)area and volume of selection
- Enabling/Disabling on command
- Items configurable in config.yml
- resetting counting sick and selection on command
- Permissions node: "BlockCount.use"
- /bc - enabling/disabling pluginfunctions (on disable items will act as usual)
- /bc info - displays information of the selected area
- /bc reset - sets counting stick to 0 and resets the selected area
- /bc help - displays all BlockCount commands
To do List:
- [DONE] defaulting to OP, if no permissions plugin is detected
- [DONE] adding a config.yml to change items
- [DONE] fixing minor bugs with selection
- add a lot of more features