

What is BlockedMobs?
BlockedMobs, is a unique plugin allows you to easily block the emergence of some monsters or animals.
The built-in function is also MyJoinMessage where you can set your own short MOTD! You can block EnderDragon and Wither.
You can also block the Creeper explosion!
Have fun!




Required plugins


  1. Block... ? false = Allow spawn this mob. true = block spawn this mob!
    Creeper: false
    Skeleton: false
    Spider: false
    Zombie: false
    Slime: false
    Ghast: false
    PigZombie: false
    Enderman: false
    CaveSpider: false
    Silverfish: false
    Blaze: false
    MagmaCube: false
    Bat: false
    Witch: false
    Sheep: false
    Cow: false
    Chicken: false
    Squid: false
    Wolf: false
    MushroomCow: false
    Ocelot: false
    Villager: false
    Horse: false
  2. Special mobs
    EnderDragon: false
    Wither: false
  3. Other. false = blocked explosions true = Allow explosions
    CreeperExplosions: false
  4. Messages
    MyJoinMessage: '&cBlockedMobs - The best plugin for block mobs spawn!'

Have fun! :)