This mod allows you to bind BlockScripts to blocks, with which you can do numerous things! BUKKIT_1.4.2-R0.1
Latest Version: BlockScripts V1.4.2
- lots of new Options
- minecraft version 1.4.2!
Hello I'm Shellofchaos and this is the first mod im uploading to bukkitdev, this mod is also still in beta stage and will be expanded.
What does it contain:
- The ability to teleport between multiple blocks randomly or in order and with more options!
- The ability to spawn any mob also randomly or in order.
- The ability to change the block its itemid from multiple itemids also randomly or in order.
- The ability to control any of the above actions from an remote block which can also control multiple blocks or a whole bunch at once.
- The ability to make blocks give an output only once (this will reset on server: reload, shutdown, start up or the special command.
- Blocks can't be destroyed.
What will it contain soon:
blocks spawning items on activation.A command to lookup blocknames.Full permission support (now everything is default op except for using the blocks (clicking destroying and walking over them)).per block permissions and per action permissions
Ability to add commands to blocks.Ability to activate blocks with redstone.A timer script so blocks can activate when the timer has ran out of time.A freeze script which will toggle on block activation.- Good idea's are always welcome.
Recently added
- reseting changed blocks; /setoption [blockname] setreset [time in seconds]
- cooldown for block activating /setoption [blockname] setcooldown [time in sec]
- keys for activating blocks /setoptiong [blockname] setkey [itemid for key]
- Broadcasting /setthen [blockname] broadcast
- setlist [blockname] [message you want]
- Redstone activation /setif [blockname] onpower
- Add timers to blocks /settimer [blockname] [timeinseconds] [true(will repeat)/false(will not repeat)]
- Adding and activating commands with blocks.
- item spawning from blocks
- setting an blocks health (amount of actions needed before activating.)
BlockScripts.set.timer = /settimer [blockname] [time] = /blockname
BlockScripts.create.break = /setbreak [blockname] [false/true]
BlockScripts.create.option = /setoption [blockname] [option] [true/false]
BlockScripts.create.list = /setlist [blockname] [list]
BlockScripts.create.event = /setthen [blockname] [teleport/spawnmob/changeblock/activateblock/docommand/spawnitem/freezeplayer]
BlockScripts.create.if = /setif [blockname] [onhit/onwalkover/ondestroy/onpower]
BlockScripts.create.delete = /delblock [blockname]
BlockScripts.create.add = /addblock [blockname]
- /addblock [blockname]
- /delblock [blockname]
- /setif [blockname] [onhit/onwalkover/ondestroy/onpower]
- /setthen [blockname] [teleport/spawnmob/changeblock/activateblock/docommand/spawnitem]
- /setlist [blockname] [list]
- /setoption [blockname] [option] [true/false]
- /setbreak [blockname] [true/false]
- /reloadblock [blockname]
- /blockname
- /sethealth [blockname] [health]
/addblock [blockname] *look at a block and execute this command* the block doesn't do anything yet example: /addblock test1
/setif [blockname] [onhit/onwalkover/ondestroy] *set what the block will react to.* the block still doesn't do anything yet example /setif test1 onwalkover
/setthen [blockname] [teleport/spawnmob/changeblock/activateblock/docommand] *will set the action for a block after one of the above actions has been "acted"* example /setthen test1 teleport
/setlist [blockname] [list] *now you can insert a row of names or item ids in the [list] part.*
if your block has teleport ((/setthen [blockname] teleport)) then set the names of blocks to teleport too. example /setlist test1 blockname2 blockname3
if your block has spawnmob ((/setthen [blockname] spawnmob)) then set the names of mobs to spawn. example /setlist test1 cow creeper sheep
if your block has changeblock ((/setthen [blockname] changeblock)) then set the itemids for the block to change too. example /setlist test1 1 69 4
if your block has activateblock ((/setthen [blockname] activateblock)) then set the names of the blocks to activate. example /setlist test1 blockname1 blockname2
if your block has docommand ((/setthen [blockname] docommand)) then set the command to activate. (you can only have one command for each block) example /setlist test1 blockname1 blockname2
/setoption [blockname] [option] [true/false] *if posible will set the the option true/false for the given block*
- /setoption [blockname] random [true/false] *Will pick an random item from the list and use it as output*
- /setoption [blockname] once [true/false] *Will only pick every item on the list once* can be reset with /reloadblock [blockname]
- /setoption [blockname] all [true/false] *Will pick all the items from the list and use them as output* *do NOT! use this for teleport script!!!(results in lag)((will be given an fix soon))*
/setbreak [blockname] [true/false] *Set if an block can be broken.The Blockscript will stay at the location so just replace the block to activate it again*
Example usages.
- you can create semi random spawnpoints for your world/arena
- you can make it generate waves of mobs for arenas
- make hidden-entrances/retracting bridges by changing blocks
- make spawnpoints for you hungergames/skyblock map so everyone get their own spawn/island
- make portals between places/worlds
- delay everything or repeat it with the help of timers.
- any thing you think off with teleportation/mobspawning/blockchanging
to install download the BlockScript.jar and put it in your plugins folder.