Togo BlocksToGo is a way to quickly build a wall or a roller coaster. It is very fast (especially in the fly)
Please download the latest version (they end with -upToDate) They have a BugFixe (Only in the Version for Minecraft 1.7.9)
/ goblocks <placeU | placeX | PlaceZ> <high> <block ID>
/ goblocks stop
Explanations of the commands:
/goblocks placeU <high> <block ID>
Sets block ID in the y coordinate (high) by the player
/goblocks placeX <high> <block ID>
Sets block ID in the X coordinate (high) by the player
/goblocks PlaceZ <high> <block ID>
Sets block ID in the Z coordinate (high) by the player
/goblocks stop
Stop putting the blocks