BlockSwitch by Pablo97
I'm pretty happy to release this plugin. Do you ever wanted to change a block without to destroy this block? Then this is the right plugin for you. With this plugin you can easily change blocks with an configurable item.
Current Features
- Allows you to change blocks with an configured item (Default: 351 = Ink Sack)
- Uses Metrics (can be disabled in the config)
- Supports Bukkit Permissions
- Stable, rarely needs updates
Upcoming Features (Status)
- Possibiliy to change blocks to colored wool, etc.
- Update checker
- German language support
- Make suggestions in the comments
Coming soon ^^
For /bs you can alternatively use /blockswitch
- /bs - Shows information about BlockSwitch.
- /bs help - Shows a list of commands.
- /bs wand - Gives you the [BS-Wand] item.
- /bs id [ID] - Sets your block change ID.
- /bs off - Turns changing manually off.
- /bs current - Shows your current changing state + block.
- /bs reload - Reloads the config.yml.
Permission Nodes
- blockswitch.* - Access to all features.
- - Allows you to see the BlockSwitch info page.
- - Allows you to see the BlockSwitch help page.
- blockswitch.reload - Allows you to reload the config.yml.
- blockswitch.wand - Allows you to get the [BS-Wand].
- blockswitch.changeblockid - Allows you to change your changing block ID.
- blockswitch.wanduse - Allows you to use the [BS-Wand].
- blockswitch.turnoff - Allows you to turn block changing off.
- blockswitch.checkcurrent - Allows you to check your current change changing state + block.
- BlockSwitch v0.1 compiled against Bukkit Build #2918(1.6.4-R2.0)
Bugs / Conflicts
- If you found something, write it into the comments below.
I'm looking for people, which make a video of my plugin. If you made one, write me a PM and I will post it here.
This plugin uses Hidendra's plugin metrics system which collects and sends some information to It collects e.g.: Java Version, OS, System Cores, System Archs, Server Location, Game Version and Server Software. As written above, you can easily turn it in the config off.